February 13 - 15, 2009
LAX Hilton, Los Angeles
5711 West Century Boulevard, Los Angeles, California
Note: All information is on this one page.
Thank you to all the filmmakers who have submitted so many wonderful films for the February 2009 Conscious Life Film Festival. We are currently reviewing the films and will be making final decisions once all the films are screened, so please be patient. The films that are selected will screen over three days of this Los Angeles based Expo. We will show shorts, feature films, and documentaries that are transformational in nature. We are including spiritual/metaphysical films, films on health and healing, political and environmental films. You will be notified by the end of November or December as to whether your film will be included in the festival. Again, thank you for your submission and for all the wonderful work you are doing to bring on the Shift. Information about future festival deadlines will be posted in 2009. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Thanks to our sponsors: Thanks also to our Associate Elevate Film Festival •
Dreaming in a New World: An Experiment in Creating the Transformational Story This workshop, facilitated by Celeste Allegrea Adams, will begin by offering writing games for all those who want to explore and expand their creative potential. These games will be followed by a journey into a deep state, some may enter into a trance state, so that we can spontaneously create a new dream for the future by sharing our visions. The team of channelers from "Tuning In," which will screen prior to this workshop, will all be invited to participate. Those who feel inspired to channel are invited to do so, others can use their imagination to offer a vision of life beyond an apocalyptic future, beyond 2012 -- to visions of a Golden Age. This workshop is interactive and participatory and focuses on freeing the imagination so that we can awaken the dreamer within and communally create a story of an enlighted future. Channellers, Dreamers, Futurists, Artists and those who want to expand their imagination are invited to participate. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ |
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2008 Panel at the Conscious Life Film Festival: Left to Right: David Wilcox, author of “The Reincarnation of Edgar Casey?”; Pamela Jaye Smith, author of “The Power of the Dark Side”; Celeste Allegrea Adams, moderator, screenwriter & author “Keepers of the Dream”; Mikki Willis, Founder of the Elevate Film Festival and winner of the 2008 Conscious Life Film Humanitarian Award; Drew Heriot, Director of the best selling DVD, “The Secret.” 2008 Gold Award Winner (middle): Paula Fouce, Director, receiving Best in Show Award. "Not In God's Name" shows how the world is ravaged by extreme divisions between religions. Featuring Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the 17th Karmapa, Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, Dr. Karan Singh, Ph. D., Georg Feuerstein, Ph. D., and leaders of many faiths. 2008 Humanitarian Award Winner for Changing the World through Media. (far right): Mikki Willis, Filmmaker and Founder of the Elevate Film Festival. The Elevate Film Festival recently took over the Nokia Theater in downtown Los Angeles, for their most recent festival. He has received this award for his enormous generosity and heart in advancing media that encourages a shift in consciousness. 2008 Additional Awards: Indigo Award, to Scott Cervine; Silver Award to Sally Marr and Peter Dudar; Silver Award to Caren Cross; Silver Award to Walter Cruttendon.
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