PANEL on Feb. 10th, 2008 Time: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
LAX HILTON, Los Angeles
click here for images of panel and film festival
Are we at the beginning of a new movement in filmmaking, or will this genre die out due to low-budget financing and limited popularity. Can conscious films which explore human potential and the nature of reality, and which inspire people to create a better world ever have the popularity of films geared towards pure entertainment? This panel will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this genre and will consider ways in which it can survive and continue to grow. Please note that awards for Best Films and Best Directors in the Conscious Film Festival will be given out at the end of the panel.
CELESTE ALLEGREA ADAMS: (Moderator / Director of the Expos Conscious Film Festival), Screenwriter, Documentary Narration Writer, Visionary-Fiction Author, and magazine columnist. Inspired by myth and archaeology, as well as ancient and modern-day ritual, Celeste creates mythic stories for books and films. After attending a screenwriting program at AFI and directing shorts, Celeste began working for Jacques Cousteau as an Editor, and went on to work on over 75 films in Post-Production, and as a Writer and Writing Consultant. She is also a prolific writer on metaphysical subjects and has written several award-winning screenplays and books including "Keepers of the Dream" and an "Anthology of New Millennium Metaphysical Articles and Interviews." She is currently writing the script and novel: "Startribe." For more information, please visit: www.CreatrixStudio.com
Leila Conners Petersen's
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LEILA CONNERS PETERSEN is director, writer and producer of The 11th Hour, the feature length documentary with Leonardo DiCaprio and 54 leading thinkers and scientists about the state of the world and the state of the human condition. Leila is also the president and co-founder of Tree Media Group, a production company with the goal of creating media to support and sustain civil society. Projects over the last 10 years with Tree Media Group include work with the Council on Foreign Relations, NASA, JPL, Norman Lear, Green Cross International, Harvard University, and Hollywood studios among others. Leila and Tree are currently creating an internet television channel, called Tree, that will carry the content that Tree creates, among other media. Leila is also currently in pre-production on her next feature-length documentary on solutions to heal the environmental crisis.
DREW HERIOT: Australian born director, Drew Heriot, made his feature film debut with The Secret (2006), which became the highest selling DVD in the USA and pioneered a new trend in cinema. Heriot made a name for himself at a young age with his award winning animated, and live-action shorts. In his early twenties, after finally achieving facial hair, he directed commercials and prime time shows for all of the major networks down under. His unique visions are the result of his passion for creating stories that take audiences on a journey to themselves.
David Wilcox's
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DAVID WILCOX is the executive producer, creative director and co-writer of CONVERGENCE: The Movie, due out in late 2008. For the past three years he has worked with A-list producers, directors and editors, as well as successfully networking with a variety of financiers. CONVERGENCE is a dramatic adaptation of Davids lifelong research into the proof that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which affects our "normal" minds in fascinating ways. David is also the subject and co-author of the international bestseller, "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", which explores the remarkable similarities between David and Edgar Cayce, features many of Davids most inspiring psychic readings, and reveals documented NASA scientific proof of interplanetary climate change... and how it directly impacts our DNA.
PAMELA JAYE SMITH is a writer, speaker, consultant, award-winning producer-director and founder of MYTHWORKS www.mythworks.net. Her book THE POWER OF THE DARK SIDE comes out May 08 www.mwp.com. She also wrote INNER DRIVES, which Stephen Simon called "...required reading for all writers!" Pamela is a certified teacher of the Mystery Schools, a Round Table member of the Institute for Global Transformation www.ifgt.org, and a Mason.
Mikki Willis's
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MIKKI WILLIS is a multi award winning director/photographer/writer. He is a virtuoso of positive energy and talent that spans mediums. With a deeply observant eye for human nature, Mikki brings his unique vision to both his filmmaking and fine art photography. He is currently directing a feature film that will revolutionize the way we relate to our human bodies and is in pre-production on a second feature about the miraculous powers of the human heart. Through his commitment to raise consciousness through cinema he created the Elevate Festival of Film and Music, challenging the international film community to create works of social and global importance.
Visionary Filmmaking in the Third Millennium
LAX Hilton Conscious Life Expo
Sunday Feb 11, 2007 11AM - 1:30PM
.Panel Photo Credit:
Thomas Quinn,
Februrary 11, 2007
(Left to Right)
John Raatz
Richard Hoagland
Jsu Garcia
Celeste Allegrea Adams
Jay Weider
Sharron Rose
Paula Fouce
Visionary Filmmaking in the Third Millennium
This panel is a discussion of the power of film to transform society, through the expression of uplifting and inspiring ideas that shift thinking to new levels of awareness. Prominent film themes include an exploration of new possibilities in human potential; ascension and the shift in ages at 2012; spiritual pathways in India; and marketing visionary films. Moderator: Celeste Allegrea Adams
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Sharron Rose
Writer/Director 2012 The Odyssey
Sharron Rose, MA.Ed, is a filmmaker, teacher, writer, and Fulbright Senior Research Scholar in World Mythology, Religion and the Sacred Arts of Dance, Music and Theatre. She is the producer of the Sacred Mysteries DVD Collection, author of the award-winning book The Path of the Priestess; A Guidebook for Awakening the Divine Feminine (Inner Traditions) and creator of the DVD Yoga of Light. For the past thirty years she has worked in the fields of education, and the esoteric arts to investigate, integrate and impart the knowledge and wisdom of ancient and traditional cultures throughout the world. This work has taken her across the planet and has been disseminated through master classes, lectures, workshops, live performance and film/video.
Jay Weidner
Producer 2012 The Odyssey
Jay Weidner is an author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar. He is the director of the Sacred Mysteries DVD Collection as well as co-author of The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye; Alchemy and the End of Time, and A Monument to the End of Time (with Vincent Bridges) and creator of the DVD Secrets of Alchemy. Jay e was the Public Affairs Director at KCMU-FM in Seattle where he produced and hosted the weekly radio show Mind Over Matters for which he interviewed a who's-who of dynamic and important personalities such as Richard Hoagland, Noam Chomsky, Terence McKenna, Peter Dale Scott and many others. As the former Video Development Director for Conscious Wave Productions in Boulder, Colorado, he helped develop the videos Harmony in Diversity. He is currently the president of Sacred Mysteries Productions.
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at this time.
John Räätz
Founder / CEO -- The Visioneering Group LLC, Producer "The Power of Now"
Visioneering M/PR: A Progressive Marketing & Public Relations Firm Linking Spirit, Vision & Values with Communication to Promote a Positive Future Visioneering Entertainment - Creating Community & Global Transformation through Conscious Entertainment - Producing "The Power of Now". Visioneering Media Network - Connecting Alternative Distribution Venues with Transformational Films, Speakers & Events, Visioneering / Consulting Presence: Business Guidance, Project Management & Agenting for Artistic, Business, Cultural & Spiritual Visionaries
Jsu Garcia
Actor, Writer and Producer
Jsu Garcia ("Along came Polly", "The Lost City", "Tiny Dancer", "The Go-Getter") has recently partnered with Dr. John-Roger in the creation of "Spiritual Warriors" the movie inspired by Dr John-Roger's LA Times best-selling book. This movie has been selected for screening in the Conscious Film Festival on Saturday.
Paula Fouce has directed, produced and written "Origins of Yoga", a documentary film on Yoga and the Yogis of India. She also directed and produced the documentary feature film, "Naked in Ashes," about the Yogis of India. She is currently directing "By Many Names", a documentary feature film on religious tolerance, featuring His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, His Holiness Karmapa, Dr. Karan Singh, Ph.D. Member of Parliament of India, and heads of several religions.
Celeste Allegrea Adams Moderator
Celeste Allegrea Adams: (Moderator and Director of the Conscious Film Festival). Screenwriter, documentary narration writer and visionary-fiction author. Inspired by myth and archaeology, as well as ancient and modern-day ritual, Celeste creates mythic stories for books and films. She is a prolific writer on metaphysical subjects and has written several award-winning screenplays and books including "Keepers of the Dream" and an "Anthology of New Millennium Metaphysical Articles and Interviews." www.CreatrixStudio.com |
Last year's panel: CREATING THE NEW MILLENNIUM STORY: From Book to Film
PART ONE: February 12, 2006, ConscioFebruary 12, 2006
Conscious Life Expo LAX Hilton Los Angeles
A Panel Discussion Produced/Moderated by Celeste Allegrea Adams
This panel focuses on the writing of New Millennium stories that are created to have a transformative affect on the audience, and that explore themes that are of particular interest to new-age audiences, including the pursuit of wisdom, connecting to ones own divine nature, personal transformation, accessing the magician within, and the movement towards an Age of Enlightenment.
Panel Photo Credit:
James Massey,
Februrary 12, 2006
Walter Cruttendom
Celeste Adams
Eric DelaBarre
Pamela Smith
David Welch
Eric DelaBarre Screenwriter CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD
Eric DelaBarre is the screenwriter for Spiritual Cinema Circle's upcoming film, "Conversations with God." The NY Times best seller, "Conversations with God" started when author, Neale Donald Walsch, in the midst of a frustrating low-point in his life, wrote an angry letter to God...which was answered the moment he set his pen down. Eric was entrusted with the challenging task of not only finding a way to adapt a book of this nature (two voices, back and forth), but to transform it into a story that would adhere to dramatic structure. He is an award-winning filmmaker who spent 6 years on NBC1s Law & Order and is the writer of the critically acclaimed book, "Why Not; Start Living Your Life Today." |
Walter Cruttenden
Executive Producer THE GREAT YEAR (a documentary)
Walter Cruttenden is the founder of the Binary Research Institute (BRI); an archeoastronomy think tank focused on celestial knowledge of ancient civilizations, with an emphasis on precession mechanics. Based on this research Cruttenden has put forth the "Binary Model" to better explain the Precession of the Equinox, the little- understood, third motion of the Earth. He is the Executive Producer of the documentary "The Great Year," and author of "Lost Star of Myth and Time."
Pamela Jaye Smith
Author Inner Drives
Pamela Jaye Smith, mythologist, writer, consultant, speaker and award-winning producer-director with 25 years in media. She is the author of INNER DRIVES How to Write and Create Characters Through the Eight Classic Centers of Motivation [the chakras]. Her company MYTHWORKST offers 'Applied Mythology for more Powerful Reality'. Clients and credits include Microsoft, Paramount Pictures, Disney, Universal, RAI-TV Rome, Marseille France, GM, Boeing, Pepperdine, Screenwriting EXPO, film festivals, and the US Army (during the Clinton administration). www.mythworks.net. |
David Welch
David Welch is the Producer of "Peaceful Warrior," based on the bestseller by Dan Millman. He also was the first to adapt the book to screenplay format. "Peaceful Warrior" is about world class college athlete Dan Millman, who finds his life irrevocably changed after meeting an old gas station attendant named Socrates and falling in love with a mysterious woman named Joy, both of whom teach him to live as a "peaceful warrior." |
Celeste Allegrea Adams Moderator
Celeste Allegrea Adams traveled around the world, exploring ancient and modern mythic traditions and ritual. She started her film career working for Jacques Cousteau on his Amazon series, then attended AFI and went on to receive several screenwriting awards. Celeste writes documentary narration, is a prolific writer on metaphysical subjects, and leads writing workshops. She is the author of "Keepers of the Dream" and an "Anthology of New Millennium Metaphysical Articles and Interviews." |
February 17, 2001 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Dr.Rawstock 6150 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood
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This panel focuses on the various archetypes that the female hero has played in recent years, (from mother, to lover, to warrior), and the affect that this changing characterization has had on influencing thought and culture at home and abroad. The purpose of this series is to illuminate the potential that filmmakers have, through their art, for shaping the roles that women play in society and for creating a higher level of consciousness in the 21st century.
CELESTE ADAMS:Moderator / Writer / Filmmaker. |
After LAURA BRENNAN graduated from Yale she co-founded a non-profit theater company and was a writer/producer for PBS. She worked on a variety of syndicated and cable series, including "Highlander: The Raven," "The Lost World," and "The Invisible Man." Most recently, she completed a romantic comedy screenplay, "First Kiss." |
NANCY MALONE has an extensive filmography as an actress, producer and Emmy-nominated Director. She co-founded "Women in Film" and holds the distinction of being the first woman VP of Television at 20th Century Fox. Some of the many projects she has been involved with include: "Star Trek: Voyager," "Sisters," "Touched by an Angel," and "The Bionic Woman."
STEPHEN SIMON is the Producer of "What Dreams May Come," which won the 1999 Academy Award for visual effects. He is the co-founder of Metafilmics, a film company that exclusively develops films of a metaphysical nature. At the present time, he is working on a film based on Neale Donald Walschs "Conversations with God," as well as a film based on a book by Richard Bach.
PAMELA JAYE SMITH is a Mythologist, Consultant, Writer and award-winning Producer/Director with over twenty years in the film industry on features, TV series, commercials, music videos, documentaries and corporate films. MYTHWORKS is Pamela's global consultation and resource company serving individuals, organizations, the media arts and the military via ancient Wisdom, new science and the proven power-tools of successful creativity. MYTHWORKS credits include Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney Company, Columbia-Sony, Universal Pictures, UCLA and AFI.
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Paramount Studios
This panel includes a discussion of the depiction of women in film in both a historical and modern day context. Beyond discussing the struggles that women are having in getting their stories told in Hollywood, it is the hope that this panel will offer new approaches and strategies for women to get their films made.This panel also focuses on how far women have come in terms of having the power to create truthful images of women in film...and we will consider how far we have to go.
CELESTE ADAMS:Moderator / Writer / Filmmaker.
RACHEL ABRAMOWITZ: author of "IS THAT A GUN IN YOUR POCKET? Women's Experience of Power in Hollywood," is a world-class reporter whose work has appeared in Premier, the New York Times Magazine and Us Weekly. Her new book tells the remarkable history of the women who fought their way into the world of moviemaking -- and what happened once they got there. From agents to directors, actors to producers, these veterans tell their true stories of what it's really like to be a woman in Hollywood.
DREA HOFFMAN: will speak about her film project, currently in development, which focuses on her great-great grandmother. "Yours for Liberty" is the true story of Abigail Scott Duniway, a suffragette in the 1800s who was also the first woman to register to vote in Oregon. Drea is a free-lance television editor at the WB Network, ABC, and Disney Channel.
KATHLEEN MCHUGH: Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Film, is the chair and co-founder of the Film and Visual Culture program at the University of California Riverside. She has written extensively on women's images in the cinema in her book, "American Domesticity: From How-To Manual to Hollywood Melodrama" (Oxford UP 1999), and in numerous scholarly articles such as "Women in Traffic: LA Autobiography," "One Cleans, the Other Doesn't," and "Housekeeping in Hollywood: The Case of Craig's Wife."
PHYLLIS STUART: Actor, Writer, Producer, Director, founded and runs Women's Image Network and the annual WINFEMME FILM FESTIVAL-SheSaid Cinema. Her credits include an ABC Special 50 Years of Funny Females, a television pilot I SPA, two documentary feature films I THINK I CANNES, THE PARANORMAL PORTAL and a one-woman show A RAGING VOLCANO GODDESS.
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CineWomens General Meeting, 8670 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA
October 18, 1997 2:00 - 4:00 PM
CELESTE ADAMS:Moderator / Writer / Filmmaker. |
LIZZIE BORDEN: Lizzie is an Independent Feature Film Director whose feature credits include "Born in Flames," "Working Girls," and "Love Crimes." She has also directed television including an episode for "The Red Shoe Diaries" and "Alex Mack." She is currently in pre-production on an adaptation of Strindbergs play, "Miss Julie," which she will film in Ireland.
ELISA ROTHSTEIN: Elisa is the Executive Producer and creator of "WOMEN: Stories of Passion", a half-hour erotic anthology series for Showtime. The 39 half-hour episodes explore erotica from a womans perspective. She wrote a screenplay based on Anais Nins "Delta of Venus," which was released theatrically in 1995, was the vice-president of Creative Affairs for Alliance Communications, and is the President of Cinewomen, which she founded in 1990.
STEPHEN JAY SCHWARTZ: Stephen is a Development Executive at Radiant Productions, the development/production company for film director Wolfgang Petersen ("Das Boot," "In the Line of Fire," "Outbreak," "Airforce One") and producer Gail Katz. He is also a film maker in his own right. His film work has been exhibited internationally and he is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships for his writing and film making. He is a frequent guest lecturer at colleges and film festivals.
LAURA SHAPIRO: Laura is an independent Producer/Writer with two decades of experience in feature film, television, multi-media, theater and concert experience. An international human rights activist, she has worked as a media/fundraising consultant on hundreds of political projects. Currently, Ms. Shapiro is Executive Producing films in association with JWP Productions.
R. J. STEWART: Mr. Stewart is the Co-Executive Producer of "Xena: Warrior Princess." He was also the Supervising Producer of the television series "The Great Defender", Writer of the screenplay for the feature film "Major League II", Co-Executive Producer of the television series, "Man of the People", and Story Editor of "Remington Steele".
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La Cienega Community Center: 8400 Gregory Way, Beverly Hills
This panel focuses on the ways in which Holywood films create myths about women and will explore the unquestionsed assumptions that govern these existing myths. The discussion will consider ways of expanding these images in order to represent the reality of women's lives.
CELESTE ADAMS:Moderator / Writer / Filmmaker. |
LINDSAY CROUSE: Actor in "House of Games"
HENRY JAGLOM: "Director of "Venice, Venice" and "Baby Fever"
LISA ONODERA: Producer at Celestial Pictures, Producer of "Picture Bride"
VICTORIA RANSOME: Teacher and Author of "The Crone Chronicles"xxx
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CELESTE ADAMS:Moderator / Writer / Filmmaker.
VICTORIA RANSOME: Teacher and Author of "The Crone Chronicles"
DON ROOS: Director and Screenwriter
JOAN TEWKESBURY: Director and Academy Award winning writer for "Nashville"
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CineWomen's General Meeting
CELESTE ADAMS:Moderator / Writer / Filmmaker.
LAURIE HULL, PHD: Laurie teaches writers, actors, and directors in Santa Monica, and West Los Angeles. She studied professionally with Lee Strasberg and Herbert Berghof and has conducted acting and directing workshops nationally and internationally. Dr. Hull is an award winning director and in 1988 was chosen to teach at the international Stanislavski Conference in Paris. For 12 years, she was on the faculty for Lee Strasberg, Los Angeles. She is also an acting coach for movies and television. Her book "Strasberg's Method: As taught by Laurie Hull," is sold at leading bookstores. her new videotape, "The Method," will be sold by Samuel French.
BARRY PRIMUS: Barry wrote and directed "Mistress" with Robert DeNiro. He has acted in over 30 films and television shows including "Absence of Malice," "The Rose," and "New York, New York." He is also a moderator and is on the steering committee of the Actor's Studio West where he teaches acting.
LYNN REDGRAVE: Lynn has worked extensively in all fields of the performing arts including theater, film and television. She won Best Actress Award by the New York Film Critics and an Academy Award nomination for her performance in "Georgy Girl." She performed in "Tom Jones," "Girl with Green Eyes," and "The Deadly Affair" and in numerous theatrical productions in England, Ireland and in the US, including "Love Letter," "The Cherry Orchard," "Don Juan in Hell, and "The Master Builders."
JUDITH WESTON: Judith lives and works in Los Angeles, where she founded and directs, "Two Lights Acting Studios" and, since 1985, teaches acting and directing workshops. Her Los Angeles "Acting for Directors" workshops and her "Script Analysis and Rehearsal Techniques" seminars are attended and endorsed by directors of feature films and documentaries, TV series and MOW's, commercials, soaps and music videos, as well as by writers, producers, editors, cinematographers, technicians, casting directors, script supervisors, etc. Her new book is "Directing Actors: Creating Memorable Performances for Film and Television."
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CineWomen's General Meeting
February 15th, 1997 at 2:00PM
THE SUNDANCE EXPERIENCE is the subject of Cinewomen's discussion on Saturday, February 15th.
CELESTE ADAMS:Moderator / Writer / Filmmaker. |
DOUG PRAY: Director / Co-Producer of "Hype!" a raw and candid documentary on the grunge movement in the Seattle music scene. It is an 85-minute film and contains 27 live performances, 40 interviews and over 500 media clips and stills. Performers include: Eddie Vedder, Gas Huffer, Jonathan Poneman, Bruce Pavitt, Mudhoney, Screaming Trees and Soundgarden.
KEVIN WILLIAMSON: Writer of "Scream." In one year Kevin sold two spec scripts, two rewrites, a book adaptation, contracted with Columbia to develop television programs, and signed a three-picture deal with Miramax that includes a stint in the directors chair. It all started when his second spec, "Scary Movie," set off a frenzied bidding war. Miramax won, the film was called "Scream," and was directed by Wes Craven. The ensemble cast of actors includes Drew Barrymore and Courtney Cox.
LEE DAVID ZLOTOFF: Director / Writer of "Spitfire Grill," which received the Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival in 1996. Lee began his career in television, writing for "Remington Steele" and created the pilot for "MacGyver." He recently made the transition to film, writing and directing the bittersweet story of Percy Talbott, an ex-convict who starts a new life in a small town in the woods of Maine in "Spitfire Grill." |
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CineWomen's General Meeting, Summer 1997
CELESTE ADAMS: Interviewer / Writer |
ALLISON ANDERS: Film Director of "Gas Food Lodging," "Mi Vida Loca" |